West Virgina Esthetician Insurance
How Much Does Esthetician Insurance Cost in West Virginia?
Full Time
1 Year (12 mo)
2 Years (24 mos)
1 Year (12 mo)
Understanding Esthetician Insurance In West Virginia
If you are a professional esthetician in West Virginia, it is extremely important that you purchase liability insurance, which is critical in the work you perform, as one mistake can be costly even if a claim is without merit. West Virginia esthetician insurance covers the potential costs incurred to you to defend yourself against a customer who is dissatisfied with services provides and claims they have been injured or their property has been damaged because of your work.
There are many job-specific risks and circumstances that can result in a legal claim being filed against you. For example, a customer may claim that a brow wax you performed on them caused burns, disfiguring them, forcing them to miss work and causing them financial loss in medical expenses. Or, a chemical peel you applied on a customer’s face caused burns as she has had excessive sun exposure prior to the treatment. Even in situations where you may think there is no case, the legal costs can be significant. Esthetician insurance steps in to provide you with the coverage you need against costly legal claims.
What Are General And Professional Liability Insurance Requirements For West Virginia Estheticians?
Along with having adequate esthetician liability coverage, it is also important to be fully up to date with all the licensure requirements in the state of West Virginia. All estheticians in West Virginia are required to have a valid license to practice in the state.