Oklahoma Esthetician Insurance
How Much Does Esthetician Insurance Cost in Oklahoma?
Full Time
1 Year (12 mo)
2 Years (24 mos)
1 Year (12 mo)
How Do I Become An Esthetician In Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, it is essential to receive 600 hours of training, in order to be able to sit in for your licensing exam. It is also a requirement that you are at least the age of 16 and that you have an 8th grade education level or the equivalent of it.
If you are already licensed in another state, reciprocity does apply, as long as you have completed the same training or schooling requirements in your state and are in currently good standing, with a valid, up-to-date license in the state that you have practiced in prior to moving to the state of Oklahoma.
In terms of license renewal, you are required to do so every year, and it is required that you renew your license by the last date of the month you are born in, so that your license remains up to date. Ongoing education may also be required, if new laws or regulations are in place, when you do go in to renew the license.
What Are General And Professional Liability Insurance Requirements For Oklahoma Estheticians?
For those who are business owners, you are not required to purchase a business liability insurance policy, and individuals are not required to carry a personal Oklahoma esthetician insurance policy in the state, either.
Although most businesses do carry a business policy, many estheticians do not carry individual insurance, which is a big mistake. For starters, if you are singled out for a lawsuit and you are found to be at fault, it is possible that you can lose your license if you do not have the right insurance policy in place to protect it. Further, you are going to pay all costs out of pocket if you are sued and do not have insurance in place to protect you. If a client is injured, or if you make a mistake, you are fully liable and must somehow pay all of the expenses when you do not have insurance in place to protect you.
Even with insurance, you may be found liable if you are sued for malpractice or other issues. But, you are not going to run the risk of losing your license, and you are not going to have to worry about potentially losing all of your finances while paying for such claims. You are covered in this sense, and you will not have to worry about frivolous claims that are made against you during the course of your career, as long as you have the right policy in place.