Massachusetts Esthetician Insurance
How Much Does Esthetician Insurance Cost in Massachusetts?
Full Time
1 Year (12 mo)
2 Years (24 mos)
1 Year (12 mo)
Massachusetts Licensing and Education Requirements for Estheticians
For you to get your license in the state, one is only required to do a minimum of 300 hours of schooling. If you are in the tenth grade, you will be able to sit in for the exam, as this is the minimum educational requirement in the state. You also have to be at a minimum of 17 years old in order for you to sit for the exam.
You are required to renew your license every two years, and it has to be done by the date of your birthday in order to avoid the license from lapsing when you go to get it renewed. You will also be able to work if you are currently licensed out of state, as reciprocity rules are in place. You will have to show that you have, at a minimum, completed the same number of hours in your state, have been licensed, and are in good standing where you currently practice in order for the reciprocity rules to apply to you when you come from out of state to work in Massachusetts.
Business Requirements
If you are a business owner, you are not required to buy a professional liability coverage policy, but it is a good idea. It is the best way to shield from personal injury claims, including a slip and fall, or a faulty piece of equipment, causing some type of damage or injury to a client when s/he is in the shop.
And, with such protection, it is also going to extend to the estheticians that work for you, even if they do not have their own personal policy in place to be able to cover you from such claims if they are filed by a client.
Practitioner Requirements
As the individual, professional esthetician, you should consider a personal Massachusetts esthetician insurance policy. It is not only going to keep you safe in the event of a lawsuit, it is also an easy way for you to protect your license if you are sued for malpractice and are found to be at fault for it.
You are not only going to cover yourself, and the claims that are filed against you in the field, you are also going to avoid a high out of pocket expenses when it comes to litigation or to the different claims you are dealing with in your career.