Maine Esthetician Insurance
How Much Does Esthetician Insurance Cost in Maine?
Full Time
1 Year (12 mo)
2 Years (24 mos)
1 Year (12 mo)
If you are an esthetician practicing in Maine, you are probably aware that salons and spas are required to have business insurance that protects the establishment, as well as potential clients in case a cause for legal action arises. Lawsuits are not uncommon in the beauty industry. Botched lip injections, massages that caused sprains or bruises, and allergic reactions to poorly chosen skin care products can expose beauty establishments to lawsuits. Individual estheticians are also exposed if the client decides to run after them for damages, or worse, to have their licenses revoked.
Requirements for Estheticians in Maine
In order to practice in Maine, you need to have a license. Licensing requirements include 600 hours in esthetician school, coupled with 1250 hours as an apprentice in a registered salon or spa. Applicants must be 17 years of age and must have at least a 10th grade level of education in order to qualify for the state licensing exam. You can also avail of state reciprocity laws, provided that you come from a state with licensing requirements that are the same or higher than Maine’s.
Estheticians can have their licenses renewed after two years. Maine also requires 14 hours of continuing education for its estheticians in order to renew.
Why You Need Esthetician Insurance
It is so easy to be at the receiving end of a complaint from a client who suffered a bad reaction from a routine cosmetology procedure. If you are a practicing esthetician, you probably perform procedures such as waxes, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion on clients every day, not aware of how tiny mistakes while doing these procedures can give clients enough cause for reimbursement or legal action. No matter how careful you are, there is always the risk of something going wrong in the course of performing any procedure, and you need to have enough coverage that protects you from liability.
Insurance will protect you from clients who may experience bad reactions from oils and chemical peels. Insurance can protect you when clients make claims or ask for financial reimbursement for medical expenses incurred due to these reactions. Insurance may even help foot legal bills in case some clients decide to take legal action.
A single slip, a tiny mistake, in the course of your practice can expose you to a potential lawsuit that could cost you months’ of salaries or worse, your Maine esthetician’s license. Get the peace of mind you need and protect yourself and your livelihood with individual esthetician insurance.