Hawaii Esthetician Insurance
How Much Does Esthetician Insurance Cost in Hawaii?
Full Time
1 Year (12 mo)
2 Years (24 mos)
1 Year (12 mo)
Requirements for Estheticians in Hawaii
In order for you to work in Hawaii as an esthetician, it is a requirement that you complete 550 hours of schooling. In the state, you must also do an apprenticeship, during which you’ll be required to meet the 1100 hour mark. This must be completed prior to being able to sit for the licensing exam that you are also required to take before you get your license.
You must have the equivalent of a high school diploma, and you must also be 17 years of age in order for you to be able to sit for the exam that is required to get your license.
In terms of the license, you are required to get it renewed on Dec. 31 of odd numbered years. If you do not do so, not only does the license lapse, you are also going to have to pay fines in order to have it reinstated before you can practice again.
If you are from out of state, you must have completed an apprenticeship, you have to show you are in good standing, your license has to be current, and you must be able to show the competence in order for you to be able to get your license to work in the state as an esthetician.
Insurance Requirements in HI
For those who are business owners, you do not have to buy professional liability coverage in order for you to be able to work in the state; further, it is not a requirement for you to purchase a personal Hawaii esthetician insurance liability policy.
However, a personal protection policy is the only way for you to fully protect yourself against such claims that are filed against you. If you are sued for emotional distress, if you are ever sued because of bad or poor quality work, then you are going to be covered by the esthetician policy that you purchase.
Another reason to consider a policy is the simple fact that you can find great coverage for a very low annual cost. Not only is it going to cover you in the event of the false claims, but also the viable claims that are filed against you. And, if you are sued for malpractice, you run the risk of losing your license. When you have the right personal protection in place, it is a simple way for you to protect the license you’ve worked so hard to acquire. Plus, you won’t have to worry about losing your time or your well-earned money.